NAIROBI Kenya February 29
President William Ruto has called the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to secure new substantial and reliable funding from its budget to provide consistent and sustainable support towards UNEP’s crucial work.
Ruto also appealed to donors to increase their voluntary contributions, recognizing the urgent and vast scope of current environmental challenges.
Speaking during the UNEA-6 conference at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, President Ruto noted with concern that financing from the UN’s regular budget and voluntary funds remain insufficient for UNEP to effectively deliver.
“UNEP should provide regular and robust platforms for the exchange of information, knowledge, best practices and lessons learnt among Multilateral Environmental Agreements and stakeholders, fostering consensus and enhancing the science-policy connection,” said Ruto. .
He challenged everyone to collectively undertake radical positive action in order to deliver the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the remaining six years.
President of UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis applauded UNEA-6 which aims to amplify the Summit of the Future – and its anticipated outcome of the Ministerial Declaration this week for adoption.
“We must ensure that the outcome of this UNEA-6 advances the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, it promotes truly multilateral responses to restore the balance with nature, ”Said UNGA President.
Francis noted, he will create spaces for constructive dialogue and encourage Member States and stakeholders alike to work shoulder-to-shoulder in advancing balanced progress.
About 1.3 billion people are at risk from the impacts of climate change, and 1 million species face extinction due to human activities.
Pollution, in its various forms, claims the lives of 9 million people annually caused by the triple threat of climate change pollution and biodiversity loss.
President of the Economic and Social Council, Ambassador Paula Narváez said 50 percent of SDG targets lack sufficient progress, 30 percent have stalled or reversed and 15 percent are off track.
The 2023 SDG Summit outcome made it clear that while strides have been made, much remains to be done to achieve the SDGs.
“Evidence links climate action to 80 per cent of 2030 Agenda targets, providing opportunities for impactful, integrated policies,” said the official.
UNEA President Leila Benali said UNEA-6 will demonstrate that challenges are best addressed when the community of nations and citizens of the world join forces with an open mind.
“Action, credibility and implementation at all levels, is the only way for the resolutions adopted by this Assembly to help us build the roadmap we want for the environment and sustainable development,” said the UNEA President.
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